• About the Chamber

  • Cochrane & District Chamber of Commerce is a member based group of business people in the Cochrane region. Based in the historic ranching Town of Cochrane, Alberta, the Chamber exists to promote local business and ensure a strong economy. Like the visionary pioneers who established commerce in the western outposts, our current members seek to find new solutions to emerging challenges.

    The Cochrane & District Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic group. Members can participate as much or as little as they like. We are governed by a volunteer Board of Directors elected from our active membership. The Board sets policy and represents the members’ interests by being the voice of business.

    The Chamber seeks opportunities to host events which promote members’ business. Annual events include the Cochrane Trade Show, Lunch and Learns and the Cochrane Community Awards Gala. Each of these showcase local business and allow the public to experience local establishments.

    Networking events, and business training opportunities are held each month. Spotlights on local businesses appear in local media and on the website. Discounted rates on group health plans, merchant services, fuel programs and much more are offered exclusively to members.

    Cochrane & District Chamber of Commerce is constantly striving to provide value for members. The Chamber is open to suggestions and able to build capacity to suit member.

    Our Mission:
    The Cochrane & District Chamber of Commerce supports and promotes the business community and area development by inspiring and servicing businesses to ensure a healthy, innovative economic future.


    2014 Golf Tournament Donation to the Cochrane Activettes

    Donation made to the Cochrane Activettes from 2014 Chamber Golf Tournament Proceeds